
Sponsored Article for SEO

All prices for articles on drinkedin.net are fixed (i.e. no discounts) and all articles must be prepaid using our online ordering method (you can use Paypal during checkout):

It’s $25 per posting. Go to https://business.drinkedin.net/sponsored-article/ and purchase your sponsored articles now!

Great for SEO: You get a “do follow” (actually, there’s no such tag… but you DON’T get a no-follow – that’s what you’re really after) – so yes, we do NOT use no-follow.

Content note: the content must be relevant to the alcohol industry (e.g. bars, brands, cocktails, etc)


Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Upload your article here. It’s suggested that you create a zip file including your article, banner image and any other information you want. If you are publishing an online article (e.g. Google Docs), please include a README.txt file that has the full path to the article.
Please enter any notes you want about the article (e.g. Google Docs link, descriptive text, etc)